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Holistic approach to Cyberbullying

Traditional practices like physically hurting, spreading false rumours, excluding certain people from your groups, teasing people in a mean way, and punching are no longer seen amongst preteens and teens. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. It can be carried through electronic technology, which includes cell phones, computers, social media, text messages, […]

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

The first thing that most of us do when we have lost a mobile phone is go to the nearest police station and complain or reach a designated cybercrime police station. Very few know that we have a national cybercrime reporting po Artificial intelligence (AI) means a smart computer system like humans to solve complex […]

Know about Online Consent

Online consent is process for allowing people to determine what personal data they are willing to share. It has become so important because of the legal requirement for websites / applications to obtain user consent before collecting data while using their services. According to GDPR, consent is one of six lawful bases to process customer […]

Cyber warfare – A digital attack on states

Cyber warfare is usually defined as a series of cybercrime attacks that target a state. It has the potential to disrupt vital computer system networks targeting government or civilian infrastructure, disrupting critical systems and causing damage to the state. The cyberterrorists are politically motivated, with a focus on mass disruption. They target all critical infrastructure […]

Lost your mobile phone? What to do next?

The first thing that most of us do when we have lost a mobile phone is go to the nearest police station and complain or reach a designated cybercrime police station. Very few know that we have a national cybercrime reporting portal at and the related call centre number is 155260 (Now changed to […]

The need for digital wellbeing among kids

Digital Wellbeing and Internet Safety is top priority in today world for all individuals for all ages below are some advises for parents having young children. It is never too early to think about your children’s online safety. If you are a parent having kids who is just beginning to uncover the online world. The […]

All you need to know about Gig Economy

The gig economy refers to workforce who rely on freelance tasks, as opposed to a full-time salary position in a company. It’s also referred as crowdsourcing where the individuals can market their skill sets (both unskilled & skilled professionals) and sell their services online on different platforms or companies. In the 21st century digital age […]

Digital Intelligence, the need of the hour

Digital Intelligence (DI) has something to do with the skills needed to use technology more effectively. It’s not just being aware of vulnerabilities with overuse screens or knowing when to disconnect from your device, digital intelligence must include debugging a computer or use all the features of your smartphone or checking from whom the mail […]

Protect your sensitive data from cyber thefts

Data protection and security have become a hot topic nowadays, and it’s equally important for all of us to know what data can be processed and what data cannot be processed. (a) Processable Data – Name, address, ID number, passport number, financial data, cultural data, IP addresses, credit card/debit card information or medical data used […]

Guide to protecting Kids Online

As per NCRB, there is a 400 % increase in cyber-crime cases in the year 2020 committed against children in comparison to the last year, as per NCRB as registered under the IT Act across India, with the majority of them being related to the publishing or transmitting of materials depicting children in sexually explicit […]