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Data Wellbeing Officer - diploma

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Purpose of Digital wellbeing officer Diploma :

Short-term diploma course for Digital Wellbeing Officers, especially considering the recommendations of the Digital Media Ethics Code, is multifaceted. This course is designed to prepare professionals who can enhance the digital environment by promoting healthy and ethical digital habits, managing the impact of digital technologies on mental health, and ensuring that digital platforms operate within the ethical boundaries set by regulations. 


Month 1: Understanding the realm Digital Wellbeing

Introduction to Digital Wellbeing
Psychological Aspects of Digital Use
Digital Footprint and Privacy
Digital Ethics and Responsible Use

Month 2: Strategies for Promoting Digital Wellbeing

Developing Digital Wellbeing Programs
Tools and Technologies for Digital Wellbeing
Communication and Advocacy
Workplace Digital Wellbeing

Month 3: Practical Applications and Prof. Skills

Project Work
Research and Current Trends
Collaborations and Networking
Career Development and Final Assessment

Course Details :
  • Course Duration : 03 Months
  • Mode of Session : Hybrid Mode
  • Online Lectures: Conducted weekly with industry experts.
  • Reading Materials: Provided at the start of each module.
  • Assignments and Quizzes: Regular assessments to reinforce learning.
  • Discussion Forums: Ongoing interaction and discussion among peers.
Course delivery :
  • Industry Experts: Professionals with extensive experience in data wellbeing and digital media ethics.
  • Legal Advisors: Experts in Indian and international data protection laws.
  • Digital Wellbeing Specialists: Practitioners with hands-on experience in digital wellbeing and its governance.
Competencies developed :
  • Skilled Wellbeing Officers: Graduates who are adept at designing and implementing digital wellbeing strategies.
  • Ethical Digital Leaders: Professionals who can guide digital platforms in ethical practices and user-focused policies.
  • Advocates for Healthy Digital Practices: Champions who promote and advocate for the mental and emotional health of digital users.
Enrollment criteria :
  • Eligibility : Graduates in any discipline, preferably with a background in IT, law, or management
  • Application Process : Submission of academic credentials and a statement of purpose.