Fact or Fiction Series, each topic is presented in a provocative manner, likely intended to spark discussion or to promote awareness of these issues, with a particular focus on internet ethics and digital wellbeing.
Each subject is approached provocatively to encourage critical thinking and dialogue.
Digital Media (OTT) Accelerated Movie Addiction: Fact or Fiction?
Challenges of Parenting in the Digital Era: Fact or Fiction?
The Growing Necessity for Digital Wellbeing: Fact or Fiction?
Looking through Digital Lenses: Fact or Fiction?
Journalism in the Digital Age is Tough: Fact or Fiction?
Digital Addiction as a Personal Choice: Fact or Fiction?
The Influence of Online Shopping on Consumer Behavior in India: Problematic or Not? Fact or Fiction?
Each episode of this series aims to dissect these contentious issues, providing insights into the multifaceted nature of digital interactions and their implications on our lives.
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Reach us at: support@endnowfoundation.org
End Now Foundation is a Non-Profit Organisation, Promoting Digital – Safety, Ethics and Wellbeing.