End Now Foundation India’s first non profit exclusively promoting Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness. It is a free thinking, liberal and open organisation. We believe that the humanity is going through a period of change where communication and way of life is fast changing because of Technology Adaptation.
In order to ensure every one has equal knowledge on Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness and use digital mediums and means so that they have equitable role to play in the society and community, ENF facilitates building relationships through design, thinking, intervention, policy, research and advocacy.
There are so many people all around India, who are always interested in working, collaborating, learning, volunteering, consulting, researching and exploring with civil societies like us.
ENF strongly believes in the following :
Everyone must be aware on Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness to adopt and use of digital medium and technologies in the right way.
Creating a database of best practices in the areas of Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness.
Proper checks and balances by platform providers, government and cyber-crime departments.
Proper grievance redressal system by social media platform providers & government organisations.
Special Provisions in Information Technology Act for Protection of Women and Child.
Establish Digital Wellbeing Councils for better Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness to evoke responsible online behavioural patterns.
Include digital wellbeing, Internet Ethics and Media Literacy in Nation Skill Development Programs.
Include digital wellbeing, Internet Ethics and Media Literacy in University Credit Courses.
Digital wellbeing, Internet Ethics and Media Literacy downloadable kits accessible to all.
Research on New Trends of Cyber Crimes / Modus Operandi on Women & Children.
Proper Grievance Redressal System / Agreements and it Exit Policies of Social Media and 3rd Party vendors of Social Media to Safe Guard IP Rights of the Original Content Creators.
Create cultural awakening.
Engage people.
These are just a few areas and examples that we have been working past three years. And we always welcome young minds to engage with ENF to share your passion, dedication, compassion, honesty, skills and time. ENF believes that one seeks more by giving. And the gesture of giving comes around to you with more valuable learnings and wisdom.
We don’t have any minimum qualification that we’re looking for so long as you fulfil certain guidelines :
You must be 18 years or older.
You must be self-driven and believe in giving.
You must have empathy and compassion.
You want to find a solution to an existing problems.
You must have excellent communication skills.
You do not, preferably, work for money.
Areas of Internship :
Research – Fake News, Cyber Bullying, Addiction, New Trends of Cyber Crimes, Digital Wellbeing, Internet Ethics and Media Literacy.
Advocacy –Being Part or Influence Public Policy Initiatives.
Content Writing – Content Writing & Story Telling for Awareness Purposes.
Possibility of Internships :
1. Regular Internship:
The period of this internship is a 1-2 Months (Ideally during Summer).
Applicants should have a clear idea of what they want to do and must have willingness to join with a purpose to create an outcome.
They should have enough maturity and understanding, even if they don’t have enough work experience.
2. Longterm Internship:
Note The period of this internship is a minimum of six months, which can go upto one year.
It provides an opportunity to not only choose to work on existing projects of the foundation, but one could also explore new ideas to execute which are in sync with the vision of the foundation. Note: Long Term Internships are on Hold for the academic year 2024 & 2025.
Please Note :
None of the streams of internships should be mistaken for jobs, hence, they involve no financial commitment.
However, there could be an option of honorarium or basic stipend for Longterm Internship, if the foundation sees a need. In case the intern is travelling on an assignment, all the expenses will be met by the foundation.
To apply for the internship, please email to ” support@endnowfoundation.org ” with the subject : Regular Internship /or/ Longterm Internship.